Website 2.0

May 28, 2018

When I started this website, I used a service called “”. It was a really simple WYSIWYG editor interaface and hosting service. The cost at the time was very reasonable, $60 for a two year period.

Then our 2 year plan expired and the site and domain registration costs shot way up. Way way up to almost $110/year. Then a domain registration fee of $60USD/year, which is 6x the cost that most folks pay.

As some of you may know I have a engineering background and have spent the last few years running services like sitebuilder as a DevOps Engineer. I could not justify paying that cost, so I decided that I can run all the services we need on AWS web services for a fraction of the cost, with a bit of work on my end.

I decided to use hugo to generate the static content as I had used it before. This would allow me to create some basic web content without having to handcode HTML which I am terrible at.

AWS was my obvious choice for hosting, CDN, DNS, and other services as this was my life for the past 5 years.

I purchased a new domain, and was off…

Technical information for the site:

  • Domain:
  • Content: Statically generated with hugo
  • Hosting: AWS S3 storage fronted by a CloudFront CDN
  • Version Control: Github

Now my estimated costs are $12/year for domain and $1.25/month for CDN/S3 storage. I also own all the content

Things to do in the future: